Sumter County: The Power of Connection

Local health departments (LHDs) play a vital role in promoting community health and addressing the underlying causes of disease and disability. Community engagement is increasingly recognized as a critical element in developing effective public health strategies. This case study “Sumter County: The Power of Connection” examines the successful partnership between Ascendant Healthcare Partners (AHP) and Sumter County in the creation and implementation of the Community Health Improvement Plan (CHIP). The study emphasizes the importance of community engagement, highlights the unique demographics of Sumter County, and illustrates how AHP facilitated the CHIP process, ensuring compliance with PHAB and NACCHO standards and driving significant health outcomes.

The Community Health Improvement Plan (CHIP) Process

A Community Health Improvement Plan (CHIP) is a strategic roadmap developed by local health departments in collaboration with community stakeholders. The goal is to address public health issues and improve overall community well-being. The National Association of County and City Health Officials (NACCHO) recommends using the Mobilizing for Action through Planning and Partnerships (MAPP) 2.0 framework to guide this process. MAPP 2.0 emphasizes community engagement, data-driven decision-making, and cross-sector collaboration.

In Sumter County, the CHIP process began with a comprehensive Community Health Needs Assessment (CHNA), which identified key health issues and unmet needs within the community. The CHIP then outlined strategies and actions to address these needs over a five-year period. This systematic approach ensured that the plan was responsive to the specific health challenges faced by Sumter County residents.

The Role of Ascendant Healthcare Partners

Ascendant Healthcare Partners (AHP) played a pivotal role in facilitating Sumter County’s CHIP process. AHP’s involvement spanned from the initial planning stages to the final implementation, providing comprehensive support to the Sumter County Health Department. Their approach was inclusive, data-driven, and tailored to meet the community’s unique needs, ensuring compliance with both PHAB and NACCHO standards.

Facilitating Community Engagement

AHP ensured robust community engagement by organizing multiple community-wide meetings and workshops. These sessions aimed to gather input from diverse community members, including residents, local organizations, healthcare providers, and civic leaders. By creating a platform for open dialogue, AHP helped identify key health issues and shared values that were crucial for developing a responsive and inclusive CHIP. This process not only enhanced the plan’s relevance and effectiveness but also fostered a sense of ownership and commitment among community stakeholders.

Supporting Health Departments

AHP provided extensive support to the Sumter County Health Department throughout the CHIP process. From the initial community health assessment to the final presentation of the CHIP, AHP’s involvement was instrumental in aligning community resources and efforts towards achieving the health improvement goals. Their expertise in public health policy and strategic planning was essential in guiding the health department to meet national best practices and local needs.

AHP’s comprehensive support included:

  • Data Collection and Analysis: Conducting thorough assessments to identify health priorities.
  • Stakeholder Engagement: Facilitating meetings and workshops to gather input and foster collaboration.
  • Strategy Development: Helping to define goals, objectives, and actionable strategies.
  • Implementation Support: Assisting with the execution of the CHIP and ongoing monitoring of progress.
  • Communication: Ensuring clear and consistent communication among all stakeholders.

Community Engagement and Existing Programs

During the CHIP process, several existing programs in Sumter County were identified as critical components of the health improvement strategy. AHP’s approach highlighted the importance of leveraging these programs to align projects and goals effectively. By connecting and enhancing these programs, AHP helped to create a more cohesive and efficient public health system.

Example Programs Identified:
  • E3 Family Solutions, Inc: This program focuses on youth development and family support. It provides educational resources, mentorship, and skill-building opportunities for young people, helping them to make healthy choices and achieve their full potential.
  • Healthy Start: Aimed at improving maternal and child health outcomes, Healthy Start offers prenatal care, parenting classes, and support services for new and expecting mothers. This program plays a vital role in reducing infant mortality and promoting healthy early childhood development.
  • LifeStream Behavioral Health: Providing essential mental health services, LifeStream offers counseling, therapy, and support for individuals facing mental health challenges. This program is crucial in addressing the mental health needs of the community, particularly in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic.
  • Mid Florida Homeless Coalition: This program works on addressing homelessness and associated health issues by providing shelter, healthcare services, and support for individuals and families experiencing homelessness. It also advocates for policy changes to prevent and reduce homelessness in the community.

Unique Demographics: The Villages and Fall Prevention

Sumter County is home to “The Villages,” a large retirement community with a high elderly population. This demographic characteristic presented unique public health challenges, particularly regarding fall prevention. According to the U.S. Census Bureau ACS 5-year survey data (2018-2022), the largest age cohort in Sumter County comprises individuals aged 65-74, constituting 31.6% of the population, followed by those aged 75 and above, accounting for 21.1%​​. This significantly older demographic underscores the need for targeted health interventions to support the aging population

Fall Prevention Programs:

  • Be Free Lake: Conducted educational workshops on fall prevention, teaching seniors how to reduce their risk of falling through home safety modifications, physical exercises, and lifestyle changes. These workshops also provided valuable information on what to do in case of a fall and how to seek help quickly.
  • LifeStream Behavioral Health: Provided assessments and interventions for at-risk elderly populations, offering personalized care plans to help seniors maintain their independence and reduce the likelihood of falls. This included in-home assessments, physical therapy, and support groups for those recovering from falls.

Fall prevention is critical in a community with a high proportion of elderly residents. Falls can lead to severe injuries, loss of independence, and increased healthcare costs. By implementing comprehensive fall prevention programs, AHP and Sumter County Health Department aimed to improve the quality of life for seniors and reduce the burden on the healthcare system.

The Power of Connection

The success of Sumter County’s CHIP can be attributed to the power of connection fostered by AHP. Through community-wide meetings and strategic partnerships, AHP connected various stakeholders, aligning their efforts towards shared health goals. This approach not only enhanced the effectiveness of existing programs but also created new opportunities for collaboration and innovation in public health.

The collaborative efforts led to several key achievements:

  • Improved Health Outcomes: By addressing the specific needs of the community, the CHIP contributed to better health outcomes, such as reduced rates of chronic diseases and improved mental health.
  • Strengthened Community Ties: The engagement process brought together diverse groups, fostering a sense of unity and shared purpose. This strengthened the community’s capacity to address health challenges collectively.
  • Enhanced Resource Allocation: AHP’s strategic planning helped to allocate resources more efficiently, ensuring that interventions were targeted where they were needed most


Impact and Future Directions

The implementation of the CHIP has already shown promising results in Sumter County, with significant improvements in key health outcomes. Moving forward, AHP will continue to support the Sumter County Health Department in monitoring progress, making data-driven adjustments, and engaging the community in ongoing health initiatives.

Ongoing and Future Initiatives:

  • Annual Progress Monitoring: AHP will assist in tracking the implementation of the CHIP, ensuring that goals and objectives are being met. This includes regular reviews and adjustments based on data and community feedback.
  • Continued Community Engagement: Engaging the community remains a priority. AHP will assist Sumter as needed.
  • Expansion of Successful Programs: Successful initiatives, such as the fall prevention programs, will be expanded to reach more residents.
  • Introduction of New Programs: Based on ongoing assessments and community needs, AHP will help introduce new programs to address emerging health issues. This could include initiatives focused on mental health, substance abuse prevention, and chronic disease management.

Ascendant Healthcare Partners have demonstrated their capability as a leading agency in developing CHIPs, CHNAs, Health Equity Plans, and Strategic Plans. Their work in Sumter County exemplifies the critical role of community engagement in public health, ensuring that health improvement efforts are inclusive, data-driven, and aligned with national standards. For any health department looking to develop or enhance their public health strategies, AHP provides the expertise, experience, and dedication necessary to achieve impactful and sustainable health outcomes.

By fostering connections and leveraging existing resources, AHP has helped Sumter County create a robust and responsive CHIP. The power of connection and community engagement has proven to be a transformative approach, leading to significant improvements in health outcomes and the overall well-being of the community.